Today was a splendid break from busyness, though. This morning we had a Getting to Know Arezzo class, and we got to hear about life in Arezzo from fellow Aretines, who told us the good, bad, and funny. Then we took a small walking tour of the town, led by a wonderful old man in a green corduroy vest. The tour ended at a museum dedicated to the Joust, an annual event that Arezzo is famous for.
The historic center of Arezzo is split into quadrants, and these quadrants have strong rivalries against one another, always competing to see who can win the Golden Lance at the end of the festival. Over 300 people dress in medieval costume and parade through Piazza Grande before the big event, which the riders train for during the year.
Pretty cool.
In the afternoon, a few of us went to a pasta-making class. I have been waiting for this event all semester. I've always wanted to be able to make pasta from scratch!
"Make an egg volcano"
"Mash and smash"
"Soft little pillow pastas"
I felt like a little kid playing with Play-Doh, but somehow I ended up with three different, delicious-looking pastas, and then it was time to go.
For dinner I cooked the gnocchi, which is a potato-based pasta reminiscent of dumplings. But they're Italian dumplings, and they taste delicious with a butter pesto sauce. They are also really fun to cook, because when you put them into the boiling water, they sink to the bottom until they are ready. Then pop! Up they come. It's like a tiny surprise party every time.
Tomorrow I am going to the market early in the morning, and then catching a train to Assisi for the day with Elisandra. It's our last hurrah before the busy week begins, and I am so excited to tour that beautiful city.
Next week is going to be a little ridiculous. I have activities every day, right up until I leave. Here's a breakdown of my schedule:
Sunday I'm going to a prayer service at the Stephenson apartment, and then Skyping with my dad (and hopefully Sonya and Dalayna!).
Monday I have a double dose of my IPLF class, with a Student Advisory Council meeting in between.
Tuesday I have an Italian midterm and a Video Project meeting, as well as the first meeting for the Tandem Project, created to bring Italian and American students together. There is also a Faculty-in-residence event that night.
Wednesday we go to Florence for Art History, and then stay after to watch monks chant Vespers at San Miniato. That night we have a SAC event.
Thursday I have an Understanding Music midterm and a monthly community meeting. At some point I need to pack because...
Friday we leave on a 6:57 am train to start our Spring Break Adventure.
Time is racing by in a Vespa while I jog along, trying to catch up. I don't mind the slow lane, though, for it's a chance to "stop and smell the roses." Or in my case, the flours. Have a wonderful week, friends!
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